Sunday 15 February 2015

Aloe Arborescens possibly cures cancer

(Läs på svenska: Aloe botar cancer?)

A plant one can see quite often in Greece, at least here in Athens, is Aloe Arborescens with orange flowers and spiky, sprawling leaves in rosettes. It´s common in the gardens and grows wild as well.

I haven´t seen bigger than these ones, but I´ve read that they can grow very high with the perfect conditions and become up to 20 meters high trees!

It´s known since ancient times that the leaf juice, or maybe leaf gel, is healing. According to a text I read (Natural cancer treatments) Kranz aloe (Aloe arborescens) also kills cancer cells!

I´m mot sure if this plant I have photographed in this small photo collage above is Aloe Arborescens or Aloe Vera. It was brought to us from Crete and I forgot to ask which one it was!

A Catholic priest, Father Romano Zago, has written a book about how Kranz aloe can cure cancer: "Cancer can be cured".

Father Romano tells that the plant can cure many other different diseases as well, including obesity and depression, according to the information about the book by Natural news.

To good to be true?!

Nevertheless a man writes that his friend got completely cured from uterine cancer in 3 months (!) using the method of Father Romano Zago. (She also ate only vegetables and fruits.)
Read it here if you like: "A cancer cure!".

It sounds good for sure!

"There is currently no evidence that aloe can treat cancer in humans" I´m reading at Cancer Research UK.

Maybe it´s a lot about believing in something!?

Another plant which cures cancer according to researches is Nigella Sativa (Fennel flower, Nutmeg flower, Roman coriander are other names). Someone has said about this plant that the only thing it can´t do is to wake someone up from the dead!
Read more about Nigella Sativa here: Nigella Sativa cures cancer

Have a nice Sunday!


Marina said...

Onekligen en spännande planta som ska ha oanade och oräkneliga egenskaper. Det går att köpa bladen i affärer och på markander här. Jag har testat av ren nyfikenhet, och det är riktigt gott att göra juice på dem.

Unknown said...

Jaså, vad intressant! Jag tror inte jag sett blad här till försäljning faktiskt. Kul att man kan göra juice av dem också!
Tack Marina! Kram