Saturday, 29 September 2012

Greek forums, associations, embassies and more worldwide

I have started here to gather links to Greek associations, organizations, sport clubs, schools, churches, embassies, Greek social communities and more abroad!
If you know something I should add to the list, please tell me in a comment under the post or send me an e-mail, evainathens(a) (I'm writing (a) instead of @ to get less spam). Thankyou!

ALBANIA (215.000 Greeks/Northern Epirotes)
Embassy of Greece, Tirana
Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania

Consulate of Greece in Luanda, Angola
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in Angola

ARGENTINA (35.000-60.000 Greeks)
Asociasión Colectividad Helénica Sócrates - Ελληνική Κοινότης Ο Σωκράτης
Greece Embassy, Greek Consular office, Buenos Aires, Argentina

ARMENIA (1.800-4.000 Greeks in Armenia)
Greek Community in Armenia - Pontos
Greek Embassy in Yerevan, Greek Consular office, Armenia

AUSTRALIA (366.000 Greeks in Australia)
Embassy of Greece in Canberra, Australia
Acu Greek Society, facebook
Australian Hellenic Council
Floreat Athena Football Club
GreekAustralian News
Hellenic Community of Western Australia
Hellenic Forum
Hellenic Museum, Melbourne
Greeks in Australia
Laconian Federation Australia
Lykourgos Federation
NUGAS Victoria - National Union of Greek Australian Students
The Hellenic Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The Sydney Greek Παρέα - social community

Ελληνική Ορθόδοξη Κοινότητα Αγιου Γεωργιου Βιέννης
Ελληνική Πρεσβεία Βιέννης (Greek embassy in Vienna)

BAHAMAS (Greek Bahamians, less than 1 % of the population)
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Nassau
Honorary Consulate of Greece in Nassau, Bahamas

BELGIUM (15.000 - 26.000 Greeks)
Embassy of Greece in Belgium
Holy Metropolis of Belgium

Ellines Stin Voulgaria, facebook
Greece embassy, Sofia

Greek community of Toronto
Greek embassy, Ottawa
Hellenic Community of Vancouver  Hellenic Community of Vancouver at facebook
Hellenic Society of Calgary
St George's Greek Orthodox church of Toronto Canada
The Hellenic Community of Ottawa and District

Embassy of Greece, Beijing
Greeks in Hong Kong

Greek embassy in Zagreb

Agios Nikolaos, Greek-Orthodox church, Havana
Greece embassy in Havana

Embassy of Greece, Copenhagen
Greek Parea, facebook
Greeks in Denmark
Greek Union - Denmark

Embassy of Greece in Cairo
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and all Africa
SAEAfrica - Συμβούλιο Απόδημου Ελληνισμού
Σύλλογος Αιγυπτίων Ελλήνων Σουέζ & Πορτ-Τεουφικ
Συλλογός Ελλήνων Καΐρου

Embassy of Greece in Finland
Greece Page
Helsingin Suomi-Kreikka Yhdistys Ry - Φινλανδο-Ελληνικός Σύνδεσμος του Ελσίνκι
Suomi-Kreikka Yhdistysten Liitto - Ομοσπονδία τον Φινλανδό-Ελληνικών Συνδέσμων

Greek embassy in France
Greeks in Paris - Social Community

Ελληνική Κοινότητα Στοθτγάρδης - Griechische Gemeinde Stuttgart, facebook
Ελληνικό σχολείο - νηπιαγωγείο Burgholzhof (Griechische Schule Stuttgart)
Ιερός Ναός Αγίων Αποστόλων Πέτρου και Παύλου, Stuttgart-Feuerbach - Das GriechenNet in Deutschland, facebook
Elliniko Sxoleio Frankfourtis, facebook    Griechische Schule in Frankfurt
Greek embassy in Germany, Berlin
Griechisches Generalkonsulat in Stuttgart - Γενικό Προξενείο της Ελλάδος στη Στουτγάρδη


Greece Honorary Consulate in Reykjavik, Iceland

Greek Irish Society
Hellenic Community of Ireland

Greek Italian Association - KaZaM

ギリシャ日本 Greece meets Japan - Ελλάδα-Ιαπωνία

Orthodox Metropolis of Mexico

NETHERLANDS (4.000-12.500 Greeks)
Ellines Tou Rotterdam - Έλληνες του Ρότερνταμ, facebook
Greeks in Holland
Greeks in Holland, facebook
Hellenic Student Society Netherlands

Ellinika - Greek Education Centre in Auckland
Greek Orthodox Community of Wellington
Greeks in New Zealand
The Greek Community of Auckland
Wellington Olympic AFC, "the Greeks", football club
Wellington Olympic AFC - Greek Community/Greek School

Embassy of Greece in Oslo, Norway
Den Greske Foreningen i Norge - Σύλλογος Ελλήνων Νορβηγίας
Det Greske Orthodokse Samfunn i Norge - Ελληνική Ορθόδοξος Κοινότης Νορβηγίας
Hellenic Education

Embassy of Greece in Islamabad, Pakistan
Greek Consular office in Islamabad
Greek Honorary Consulate in Karachi
Greek Honorary Consulate in Lahore

Ellines Rossias, facebook

Embassy of Greece, Belgrade
Serbian - Hellenic Brotherhood

Greeks in South Africa
Hellenic Community of Cape Town and Environs
NAHYSOSA - National Association of Hellenic Youth and Student Organisations of South Africa
SAHETI School - South African Hellenic Educational and Technical Institute
The Kosmas Aitolos Greek School, Cape Town

Griegos en Espana - Έλληνες στην Ισπανία, facebook

SWEDEN (12.000-15.000 Greeks in sweden)
Greek Cultural Centre - Grekiskt Kulturcentrum - Κέντρο Ελληνικού Πολιτισμού
Greeks in Malmo at facebook
Greek Students in Stockholm, facebook
Greek Swedish Portal - Grekisk-Svensk Portal - ΕλληνοΣουηδική Ιστοσελίδα
Grekiska Ambassaden - Embassy of Greece in Sweden
Grekiska Föreningen i Borås, Grekiska föreningen i Borås på facebook
Grekiska Föreningen i Göteborg
Grekiska föreningen i Helsingborg
Grekiska Föreningen i Norra Stockholm
Grekiska föreningen i Solna på facebook
Grekiska Föreningen i Stockholm - Ελληνική Κοινότητα Στοκχόλμης
Grekiska Föreningen Malmo på facebook
Grekiska Förening Malmö på facebook
Grekiska Kulturhuset - Ελληνική Πολιτιστική Στέγη Στοκχόλμης
Grekiska Riksförbundet - Ομοσπονδία Ελληνικών Συλλόγων και Κοινοτήτων Σουηδίας (Ο.Ε.Σ.Κ.Σ)
Grekiska Ungdomsföreningen i Göteborg - Ελληνική Νεολαία Γκέτεμποργκ
Hellenic Education
Svensk-Grekiska Sällskapet

Consulate, General of Greece
Embassy of Greece in Bangkok

Greek Consulate in Adrianopolis / Edirne, Turkey
Greek Consulate in Constantinopel, Turkey
Greek Consulate in Smyrna / Izmir, Turkey
Greek Embassy: Embassy of Greece in Ankara, Turkey
Greek schools in Turkey

Bristol Anglo-Hellenic Cultural Society, England

Ellines Sto Londino - Greeks in London, facebook
Glasgow Caledonian Hellenic Society
Glasgow Greek Community, Scotland
Glasgow Hellenic, Scotland
Greek Embassy, London, England
Greek Parents Association - Σύλλογος Ελληνων Γονέων
Greek School of Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, England
Greek Schools in Britain
Greek School of Glasgow, Scotland
Greek School of Islington, England
Hellenic Community of Ireland Hellenic Education, UK
Liverpool Greek Society, England
Lyra Greek Dancers, England
Scottish Hellenic Society Glasgow, Scottish Hellenic Society Glasgow at facebook
Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies
The Anglo-Hellenic League, England
The Greek Institute The Hellenic Centre, London
The Hellenic Medical Society UK

Emirates Greeks, Emirates Greeks, facebook

A Greek Toddler Playgroup, New York - Social Community for Greek-affiliated moms in N.Y
Ellines Stin Nea Yorki, facebook
Embassy of Greece in Washington D.C - Hellenic Republic Greece in the USA
Greek-American Motorcycle Club, Greek-American Motorcycle Club, facebook
Greek American Women's Network (Greek Village Community, scroll down at that page for the link), facebook
Greek Culture, Boston-Massachusetts, twitter
Greek life, University of Alaska Anchorage (Read about Greek Easter in Alaska, in Greek.)
Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, Inc
Hellenic Society Paideia
Hellenic Student Association Chicago
North County Greek Language School, San Diego county    Elliniko Sxoleio, facebook
Orthodox San Diego    Orthodox San Diego, facebook
Paideia - study abroad in Greece
Panhellenic Association, Ohio
Saint Sophia, Greek Orthodox Cathedral, Los Angeles, St Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral, facebook
Sts. Constantine and Helen Orthodox Church, Cardiff by the Sea, California
Ta Paitakia - early childhood Greek language based education, Manhattan
The Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater New York
The Greek Community of New York, facebook page
The Greek Institute
The Hellenic Voice
The New England Greek Meetup Group, Dedham, Massachusetts - Social Community
The PanCretan Association of America (Greek Village Community, scroll down at that page for the link)

ZIMBABWE(about 2.500 Greeks in Zimbabwe)
Harare and Districts Hellenic Community

DailyFrappe - Global Greek Community, Greek dating site - Connecting Greeks worldwide, facebook
Embassies of Greece, worldwide
Greek Gateway
Greeks Abroad - Save Greece - for Greeks and PhilHellenes around the world
Hellenic Republic - Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Network Hellenic Community and Business Promotion - Bringing Greeks together
HR-Net, Hellenic Resources Network
My Parea - a family of friends - Παγκοσμιος Ποντος
World Council of Hellenes Abroad - former USSR countries region - Connecting Greeks All Over the World

Ancient Greece


Irina said...

Well, I don't know any,but I like the photo :)

Eva in Athens, Greece said...

Me too, Irina! Don't know who is the photographer though, have seen this picture on many sites. It's really very good!