Friday, 14 September 2012

An easy, fast way to fix a zipper! Repair without cost.

Read in Swedish: Laga dragkedjan lätt som en plätt, snabbt och gratis!

The zipper of my handbag wasn't working. It was splitting up, like this:

If the rows of "teeth" looks o.k on a zipper I knew that you can just change the slider/sliders. There is also a quite new Swedish product called "Zlide On" which is easy to put.

Anyway, the other day I just got this bright idea!
If the slider looks o.k, maybe it just needs a small adjustment?!

With a pliers I pressed a little on the one side...

and then on the other side of the slider...

And presto! All of a sudden the zipper was working perfectly! Yippie!

Good Luck!

(This of course will work on any zipper! On your jeans, shoes, jacket, tent, sleeping bag or whatever... )


Anna Karin said...

Du är antagligen ett geni! :) Kram o önskar dig en härlig fredag!

Eva in Athens, Greece said...

@Anna Karin
:) Konstigt att man inte hört talas om detta förut egentligen.

Humberto Dib said...

Gostei mesmo do seu blog, estou ficando.

Eva in Athens, Greece said...

Obrigado, Humberto!

DIMI said...

Πολύ έξυπνη ιδέα Εύα μου!!!Πρώτη φορά τό βλέπω!!Πολύ χρήσιμο!!Καλή Πρωτομαγιά!!Φιλάκια!

Unknown said...

:)Thank you, dear Dimi! Καλή Πρωτομαγιά και σε σένα!
Φιλάκια πολλά!!!

Anonymous said...

Great job !
I had the opposite problem where the zipper would not catch.
Inspired by your article, I used a small screwdriver to open the gap, and it all works perfectly now !

Unknown said...

I'm really glad to hear that, Liam, and thank you so much for taking your time to write a comment! I really appreciate it!
Best wishes! ☼

June J. Marsala said...

Inspired by your article, I used a small screwdriver to open the gap, and it all works perfectly now ! - See more at:

Unknown said...

@June J. Marsala
That is great to hear, June! Thanks for your tip and thank you so very much for your comment!