Thursday, 10 April 2014

Gott och nyttigt! - Briam - Tasty and healthy!

Receptet på den här goda nyttiga(negativa kalorier!)grekiska ugnsrätten med grönsaker finns i bloggen på svenska här: Briam

Now I'll give you my perfect recipe of a really appetizing and healthy Greek oven dish of vegetables, Briam!

It takes about 40 minutes to prepair (with this amount) and then little over 2 hours in the oven. I fill  a baking dish and it becomes about 6-7 portions (4-5 persons).

Zucchini, 7-8 medium sized (1 kg)
Carrots, 2 large ones, thinly sliced
Bell peppers, 2-3, different colours!
Cauliflower, 1 small (500-700 gr)
Broccoli, 1 small (600-800 gr)
Potatoes, about 1 kg cut into quite small pieces
Eggplants, 3 medium sized (about 600 gr)

(You also need some more things, see underneath.)

Rinse and clean the vegetables well.
Cut into rather big pieces (except for carrots-thin slices- and potatoes-quite small pieces)and put into a large baking dish.

1½ dl* olive oil
2 dl* water
1 can (400 g netweight) of crushed tomatoes (chopped peeled tomatoes in tomato juice)
About 2 dl* of tomato passata
Salt 2½ teaspoon, pepper 2 pinches, oregano 1½ teaspoon
Garlic, 1 pressed clove

Mix and stir. Put in the preheated oven, 200 ° (top + bottom heat rather than fan) for just over 2 hours.
Take it out a couple of times to mix and stir a little.

(*1 cup is - supposed to be - 2,36 dl)

Serve with yoghurt naturel, or Feta cheese, and fresh bread!

This also fits very good together with meat, pork fillet for example.

Bon Appetit! 


Steve said...

Det receptet har jag i min grekiska receptmapp sedan juni 2010 då jag hittade det på din blogg.

Unknown said...

Men oj, har vi varit bloggvänner så länge?!
Kul att du sparat receptet!Hoppas det blir tillfälle att ni testar det någon gång oxå - tror inte ni blir besvikna...;)