Thursday, 19 April 2012

Greeks and lovers of Greek music worldwide mourn Dimitris Mitropanos

Read this post in Swedish: Greker och fans av grekisk musik världen över sörjer Dimitris Mitropanos

The great singer, Dimitris Mitropanos (Δημήτρης Μητροπάνος), died the 17th of April at the age of 64. He had the perfect voice for the Greek "laiko" music and was, and will always be, so very loved by the people.

Even though he had problems with his health since 2008 he kept singing and performing as he enjoyed it so much.

Here he is performing, at the fantastic stone theatre Odeon of Herodes Atticus situated on the slopes of Acropolis, one of his most famous songs, "Η Ρόζα" (Roza or Rose)in September 2009:

The lyrics of "Η Ρόζα" are written by Alkis Alkaios (Άλκης Αλκαίος) and here they are, translated into English as well: Lyrics Translate Roza  
Another translation is made here: Mitropanos Roza

Everybody loved to see him dancing the Greek dance Zeibekiko! Dimitris Mitropanos just had the perfect cool style!

Σ'αναζητώ στη Σαλονίκη with lyrics written by Filippos Grapsas:

A page has been made for his memory at facebook after his death: Dimitris Mitropanos - Δημήτρης Μητροπάνος and at Twitter as well: Dimitris Mitropanos.

Rest in peace, Dimitris will always be remembered through your great songs! Thankyou...

Listen to more songs:
☼Mitropanos performing "Alimono"(Αλίμονο)in the program "Koita ti ekanes"2005. Lyrics Alimono.
☼Mitropanos performing "Svise to fengari"(Σβήσε το φεγγάρι)in the program "Stin ygeia mas"2007.
Lyrics Σβήσε το φεγγάρι written by Nikos Moraitis. Lyrics, translation in English; "Put out the moon".
☼Mitropanos - "Otan echo esena", official video, 2011.

Dimitris Mitropanos albums and covers

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