Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Christmas is ruined!

Read in Swedish: Julen är förstörd!

Drove to Ikea here in Athens to buy ten PARADIS chocolate boxes (perfect small Christmasgift for neighbours and others) and the Swedish Christmas ginger-cookies. NOWHERE TO BE FOUND! The chock was tremendous!

Wellthen, I recovered fast(at least that's what I'm trying to convince myself) and bought some Princess pastries as comfort...!

Found the pictures in the slideshow here:
Ha Det Gott
Helenas tårteria
Maj Stajl
Manduzana stickar
Skapligt enkelt
Spisa nu
Sveriges Radio
the cookie shop (Princess Cupcakes, recipe in English)


Tove said...

I haven´t even had breakfast yet, and I am not very keen on sweet stuff, but these pictures makes me long for pastry!

Eva Trillian said...

IKEA lost their Swedish touch?
Inte bra!
MEN, man kan ju alltid baka egna pepparkakor :-)
Princessbakelser, å andra sidan, är ju inte dumt alls!

eva i Aten said...

Tove: :)

Eva: Synd är det verkligen, och jag har ingen lust att baka pepparkakor också nästa år får jag väl lov att göra det trots allt. Eller så kör vi Prinsessbakelser istället!

Ha en fin helg på er båda två!

Gill - That British Woman said...

thanks for popping by my blog and commenting, I like Ikea, we have that store here in Canada,


eva i Aten said...

Gill: We like Ikea as well and will still be going there, but we Swedes living abroad are disappointed that they stop selling Swedish food products, products we are missing!

The Expat Wife said...

Oooo I am going to the new Ikea here very soon - will let you know what it's like :)

eva i Aten said...

Expat wife: Hope you found what you were looking for! I found the chocolate here in Sweden instead...