Friday, 9 September 2011


We've gotten a lot of figs from friends on Naxos and now I don't really know what to do with them. I like figs a lot. They taste very good, are sweet and have a wonderful consistence! But you can not eat so many...I'm thinking to make marmelade. Or do you have a better idea?

(As you can see all figs are not green, there are also plum purple ones like these.)



Barty, The Parianos AKA Ruby said...

Hello Eva,
If you go to "The Parianos" and look at the page "Mrs Bridges secret recipes" there is a recipe for Fig Chutney which is very good with cold meat or cheese. We've tried it and like if very much. Its a good way of using figs when you can't eat them all and it will last for ages in sealed jars.
They are also wonderful cut into eight with Feta and Rocket sprinkled with some crispy fried bacon pieces and served with a balsamic, honey, mustard and olive oil dressing...yummy!

eva i Aten said...

O.k, Barty, thanks a lot! Sounds very good!