Monday, 1 August 2011

Kate Moss and Jamie Hince on honeymoon in Greece!

(Read in Swedish: Kate Moss och Jamie Hince på smekmånad i Grekland)

The British supermodel Kate Moss got married the 1st of July with the rock guitarist Jamie Hince (The Kills) and where do you think they spent their honeymoon?...
In the Greek archipelago of course! Why do all celebrities choose Greece for their vacation? Yea, because it's so lovely here! One of the chick beaks is Kates' daughter, Lila Grace (borned 2002)!

Here they are at the yacht "Lionchase" belonging to their friend Sir Philip Green, who owes the business chain Bhs, where I among other things have purchased my Buddha-figure. (They have very nice things there.)

Kate and Jamie were mostly staying close to the island Kefalonia and according to the sayings Kate has asked a real estate office to look out for a summer paradise on the island! Welcome Kate, sweetie, and Good luck keeping yourself drug free - life is best just like it is!

The beautiful island Kefalonia...

Advertising sunglasses for Vogue:

Kate Moss guest starring in Misery Bear film released in March 2011:


Regina Pefanis Schlee said...

I am glad that celebrities are visiting Greece. Interestingly, most of the information you have does not make it to our news. The Greek Tourism Service should send press releases about all these high profile visitors.

eva i Aten said...

That's strange, Regina! From the other hand, maybe that's one of the reasons they like visiting Greece!