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Sedan ett par månader tillbaka går jag återigen zick zack på mina promenader med vår vovve för att undvika tallprocessionsspinnarlarverna (även kallade klådlarver...)på trottoarer och gator. Vår stackars hund är jätteallergisk och går hon på sådana kliar det så mycket på tassarna att hon gnager/biter bort bitar av trampdynorna!
Jag har även hört talas om hundar som svullnar när de kommit i kontakt med fjärilslarverna.
Här har jag skrivit lite mer om tallprocessionsspinnarlarver på svenska:
Tallarvernas livsbana
Hunden gnager på tassarna - allergi mot fjärilslarver
Since a couple of months I'm walking zigzag when I'm taking our dog, Marisa, out. The zigzag walking is an annual phenomenon as our German shepherd is allergic to the caterpillars coming from the pine trees!
In case you didn't know it, these caterpillars are extremely allergy-causing, even without direct contact!
When they are feeling threatened they are spraying poison around them.
The newborn larvae are building these silk nests in the pine trees.
And here in Glyfada there are lots of pine trees...!
When the caterpillars have grown up they're creeping down the tree trunk in processions.
►The caterpillars having a powwow whether this plot of land is good enough to settle down...
They all agreed (really good teamwork skills...) and they were digging themselves down really quickly.
Deep down they're spinning cocoon and they stay there during the winter.
The butterflies are hatched next spring.
Here you can see how our dog has been biting on her paws because it's itching so much. Parts of her footpads are gone... and this hurts!!!
I've also heard of a dog that got swollen every spring due to these Pine processionaries.
Wishing you a great day!
Read more at Wikipedia: Pine Processionary
The Latin name is Thaumetopoea pityocampa.
Sedan ett par månader tillbaka går jag återigen zick zack på mina promenader med vår vovve för att undvika tallprocessionsspinnarlarverna (även kallade klådlarver...)på trottoarer och gator. Vår stackars hund är jätteallergisk och går hon på sådana kliar det så mycket på tassarna att hon gnager/biter bort bitar av trampdynorna!
Jag har även hört talas om hundar som svullnar när de kommit i kontakt med fjärilslarverna.
Här har jag skrivit lite mer om tallprocessionsspinnarlarver på svenska:
Tallarvernas livsbana
Hunden gnager på tassarna - allergi mot fjärilslarver
Since a couple of months I'm walking zigzag when I'm taking our dog, Marisa, out. The zigzag walking is an annual phenomenon as our German shepherd is allergic to the caterpillars coming from the pine trees!
In case you didn't know it, these caterpillars are extremely allergy-causing, even without direct contact!
When they are feeling threatened they are spraying poison around them.
The newborn larvae are building these silk nests in the pine trees.
And here in Glyfada there are lots of pine trees...!
When the caterpillars have grown up they're creeping down the tree trunk in processions.
►The caterpillars having a powwow whether this plot of land is good enough to settle down...
They all agreed (really good teamwork skills...) and they were digging themselves down really quickly.
Deep down they're spinning cocoon and they stay there during the winter.
The butterflies are hatched next spring.
Here you can see how our dog has been biting on her paws because it's itching so much. Parts of her footpads are gone... and this hurts!!!
I've also heard of a dog that got swollen every spring due to these Pine processionaries.
Wishing you a great day!
Read more at Wikipedia: Pine Processionary
The Latin name is Thaumetopoea pityocampa.
Tallprocessionsspinnarlarver. Det finns alltid nåt som jag aldrig tidigare hört talas om.
Jag har heller aldrig tidigare hört talas om dessa små läskiga varelser. Fst å andra sidan så är det ju ett rätt smart drag av naturen för att låta dem vara i fred...
:) Vilket namn dessutom...
Ruggiga är de allt! Tycker synd om de stackars tallarna - det är ju en det är ju som du säger, så någon nytta måste de ändå göra på något konstigt sätt...
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