Saturday, 19 April 2014

Some VERY SPECIAL Easter traditions in Greece...!

(Läs det här inlägget på svenska: Några mycket speciella påsktraditioner I Grekland)

Yes, there are a few Easter traditions that are undeniably VERY special in this country...!

In the village Vrontados at the island of Chios they are having a rocket-war ( rouketopolemos )with thousands of rockets being shot between two "rival" churches! The two churches are located 400 meters from each other and it all comes down to trying to hit the clock tower of the other church...

The day after they're counting which church had the most hits, but they can never agree about who is the winner... It is determined that the winner will be appointed the next year... :)!

Rocketwar website

In the city Corfu at Corfu the people are throwing water-filled pots/jars/pitharia from the balconies at the Liston square!

This happening is in the morning of Easter Eve and this custom is supposed to keep anything bad at distance. To take a shard home brings good fortune.

At the lower square (Bellou-Dimokratias) in Agrinio (Αγρίνιο) there is show-time every Good Friday, after the mourning procession, with home-made explosive tubes being hold in the hands!

This custom started during the Turkish occupation to keep Muslims away from the mourning procession.

Easter in Agrinio: the custom of Chalkounia
About Chalkonia at Wikipedia: Χαλκούνια, in Greek only.
Picture from Κ.Α.Π.Α

In Leonidio in Arcadia (Peloponnese) hundreds of hot air balloons are released at all churches on Easter Eve, after resurrection.

Virtually every family is making their own hot air balloon using wooden sticks and paper.

This tradition excists in Leonidio since late 1800s. Probably returning sailors had seen it somewhere in Asia and brought the custom home. Must be very special to see!

Picture: Πάσχα στο Λεωνίδιο

Have a wonderful Easter Eve my friends!


Steve said...

A little madness is not necessarily wrong.

Unknown said...

Här i Sverige behövs tillstånd för dessa lyktor...kan orsaka krockar med flygplan....

Unknown said...

I guess not...:). Vid uppvisningen med explosiva rör i Agrinio har det dock hänt många allvarliga olyckor tyvärr...:(

Ja, det låter vettigt. Det kanske behövs här också, det känner jag inte till.