Sunday, 23 June 2013

Jerusalem thorn - tree with beautiful yellow orange flowers

Read in Swedish: Jerusalemtörne

Jerusalem thorn, Parkisonia aculeata in Latin, is a big bush or small tree which you can see now and then here in Greece as well.  It's common in Mexico, Africa and in Australia where it unfortunately has become a problem.

The fruit pulp is sweet and eatable I read at World Agroforestry Centre, but the tiny leaves are toxic.

The tree trunk is green and the lovely flowers yellow and orange. Small and spiky leaves!

This tree has many names; Mexican Palo Verde, Jelly Bean tree, Barbados Flower fence (a great fast growing, beautiful and spiky fence!), Wonder tree, Blue Palo Verde, Hardbean, Horsebean, Parkinsonia, Palo Verde, Ratama in Spain, Takataka tree...

Have a nice day!

Other posts about bushes and trees in Greece:
Callistemon - bush with red bottle brushes!
Sprawling White Groom - bush or small tree with white flowers with some dark red (purple, pink?) colour
Fig tree
Persian Silk tree - tree with pink silk tassels
Walnut tree


Annuk said...

Gorgeous photos, Eva! And what a beautiful and interesting tree! I'm not sure if I have ever seen it...
Polla filakia!

DIMI said...

Πανέμορφο δέντρο καί καταπληκτικές φωτογραφίες Εύα!!Η κόρη μου θά πάη στό Malmo Sweden,τό Σάββατο!!!Σίγουρα θά είναι φανταστικά!!Καλή εβδομάδα!!!!Φιλιά!!!

Eva Inathens-Greece said...

Thanks a lot, dear! ☼

Thank you, Dimi! Really?! Will she go to Malmö?! I'm from Umeå in the north of Sweden, but I've lived in Malmö for 2 years. It's a very nice city! I hope the weather will be good and that she'll have a great time!

DIMI said...

Hallo Eva!!She's in Malmo now,she went there from Copenhgagen,throow the big brige,and she loves Malmo,the city of Ikea,she worked there ,the weather is great and the city very beautiful!!Have a lovely weekend!!