Thursday, 13 September 2012

Old black and white photos of Heraklion, Crete!

This post in Swedish: Gamla svartvita fotografier från Heraklion, Kreta

When on Crete this summer I found these lovely old black and white pictures of Heraklion:

Dikeosinis street, 1950. The Lion square is a little bit down on the road to the left and the market street is to the right.

"The Lion Square" because of the lions on the Morosini fountain. The official name of the square is Elefheriou Venizelou. 1950.

The central market is on the street named "1866". Most often called "the market street". This picture is also from 1950.

Another market in Heraklion, long time ago. Anyone knows where this photo was taken?

Dikeosinis street from Platia Eleftherias (Astoria). "Ta dikastiria" - the Courts are in the building to the left. Probably around 1950.

25th August street, 1940. This very busy street became a pedestrian street about 5 years ago.

This picture is taken from the same place as the first, but 20 years earlier, 1930.

This photo is from 1902! The name of the city had recently (1898) been changed to Heraklion from Candia. The beautiful Venetian Basilica of Saint Mark is to the right.


Maybe of interest:
The impressive Venetian fortress in Heraklion - "Koules"

More posts from Crete:


eftychia said...

The 4th picture with the barrels is probably from an area called "Vareltzidika" very close to the old Venetian port in Herakleion, and somewhere around the church of St Demetrios.

Eva Inathens-Greece said...

Thank you so much, dear Eftychia! Καλή Ανάσταση!

George said...

Good day
Vareltzidika was on the east side o St Demetrios
The 4rth picture was from Machalas or Bendenaki
a big square facing the sea and having from west the St Peter church and east the port
Many thanks for the photos

I hope I helped

Eva Inathens-Greece said...

Thank you very much indeed, George! Καλό Σαββατοκυριακό!