Sunday, 5 August 2012

Two Greek actresses in the new James Bond movie!

Swedish: Två grekinnor i nya Bondfilmen!

The young Greek actress Tonia Sotiropoulou will play a role like the mistress of Agent 007 in the coming James Bond movie, "Skyfall", which will be released October 26th in the UK and November 1st here in Greece. (For more release dates: IMDb)

The three scenes of Tonia has been recorded together with Daniel Craig and the rest of the cast in Turkey.

Tonia Sotiropoulou has been playing in quite a few Greek films and TV-serials. She moved to London a couple of years ago to continue her drama studies.

She is very happy for this small role even if she casted for the main female role.

Except for Tonia Sotiropoulou there is also a second Greek actress, Lena Kaloutsaki (Λένα Καλουτσάκη) in the new James Bond movie, playing a smaller role like a tourist. Lena says that Daniel Craig was icecold private (!) as well and had 3 stunts for his role.

Finally Greek women in a James Bond movie! Great fun!

Tonia Sotiropoulou, facebook
Tonia Sotiropoulou, Twitter
IMDb: Tonia Sotiropoulou 
IMDb: Skyfall
iShow: Τόνια Σωτηροπούλου
Lena Kaloutsaki, facebook
Lena Kaloutsaki, Twitter
Lena Kaloutsaki, biography


Happy Homemaker UK said...

So fun to get a little inside scoop. I look forward to the Bond movie - always fun.

Irina said...

Hej igen Eva! back to Dk,after a nice hot holiday.
They are very beautiful,these actresses! I also heard on radio that this is the last James Bond,that he will die in this movie. If this is true, I don't think it's fair that a director decides to kill an invincible hero,that's his charm.Anyway.
I also looked back and read the nice posts about Crete,and Sweden..
Have a lovely day!

Eva in Athens, Greece said...


Thanks, dear! I agree with you - Bond must never die!
Have a nice weekend!♥