Saturday, 17 March 2012

Sprawling White Broom (Retama raetum) - enchanting!

Read in Swedish: Vilt växande Vit ginst (Λευκό σκούπα) - förtrollande!

Passed by this desert plot filled with these beautiful trees when I was taking our dog for a walk. Somehow, magical..

After some searching I found out that it's White Broom. Retama raetum in Latin or possibly Retama Monosperma as it was written somewhere, but I beleive more at the first. Family: Fabaceae.
Λευκό σκούπα (Lefkó Skoúpa) in Greek, the same meaning as the English name, White Broom.

In fact a bush, but here it's wild growing without control and has become trees!

Bedouins are said to have used the plant for treatment of back pain, stomach pain, toothache, infertility and more, I read at this page where there is a lot written about White Broom: Wild flowers of Israel

The White broom is on the "Alert List for Environmental Weeds" in Australia! Weeping White Broom, Australia


Minnie said...

Eva, that very beautiful. I never see this kind of flower before good its not just beautiful but useful too!!


The Expat Wife said...

Oh it's so pretty!

eva i Aten said...

Thankyou for your comments, Minnie and Expat Wife!