Sunday, 12 February 2012

To the memory of Whitney Houston

Oh, I'm so sad that this wonderful singer became addicted ("a bad habbit" like she called it...) to drugs and now is dead! Noone has ever had, or has, a more beautiful voice than Whitney Houston when she was young!

She was so incredible beautiful also! Like a goddess! Do you remember the movie "Bodyguard"?! She was so beautiful! And what a voice, unbeatable!

Here a music video from 2009 which I think is very suitable now, "I Look To You":

Whitney is in Guinness Record book like the female singer that has gotten the most awards ever, but this doesn't make one happier obviously...

Read that she recently has filmed a new version of the movie "Sparkle" and it will have premier during 2012, well I guess rather soon now.

Rest in peace, Whitney...

More music videos with Whitney Houston

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