Monday, 2 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Läs på svenska: Gott Nytt År!

Hope you've had a wonderful Christmas and wish you all a wonderful year!

We are in Umeå, in the north of Sweden - my hometown. It's snowing a lot, but it's not cold, just a few minus degrees(Celcius). Yesterday we went for skating and it was really fun!


Irina said...

Happy New Year,neighbour! ;)
have fun on your holiday.We don't have snow,but can't say I miss it, we had more then enough last year.

A BRIT GREEK said...

Happy New Year to you & your family!

I hope you have a wonderful time at home, can't imagine how cold it is though!

Just remembered you guys have the best gummi bears sweets!


Asia said...

Happy New Year!

I am sorry to bother you. I was looking for the answer how to crate translation of my blog and found your suggestions to create a twin blog which I think is a good idea :) Could you please advise or creating a twin blog means just to make a new one with similar name? I noticed that you have a little different address of your blog. If yes how it will work to have pictures loaded on both at the same time and then change just the language? I am very sorry to ask. Kind regards, Joanna

eva i Aten said...

Irina: We had a great time, thanks! Would have loved to stay longer! I love snow!

A Brit Greek: Actually you never freeze up there like you can do here even if it's much lower temperature sometimes! Really strange.
Fun that you know about our gummibear sweets! I have heard that it will open a Swedish candy shop in Illioupolis! Maybe it's already open - I'll try to find out!

eva i Aten said...

Asia: Don't say sorry, Joanna, of course you are not bothering!

You can have many blogs under the same profile(account). Go to your dashboard (click on New Post or Design up to the right and then you click on Dashboard up to the right)and there you click on "Create a blog". Good luck and welcome back with or without questions!

Joanna said...

Thank you Eva :)

eva i Aten said...

Nothing to thank for, dear Joanna! Good luck!