Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Helena Paparizou and Mr Perfect - new single!

Read in Swedish: Helena Paparizou och Mr Perfect - ny singel!
Helenas new song "Mr Perfect" has recently been released. Now we are just waiting for the videoclip, where we probably will see a very sexy Helena!

Great song! Will probably become a big hit as well as "Baby, it's over".
At "MAD Music Awards 2011" here in Greece Helena got the awards "The Fashion Icon Music video of the year" and "The Female Artist of the year".

'Elena(like she is called here in Greece) has such a awesome voice, and she is always so sweet and nice at interviews and shows at T.V. One get kind of proud...because Helena is Greek and in addition she grew up in Sweden...

'Elena is superhot in Greece right now as she is a member of the judge's panel in the new (new here in Greece, in Britain since 2006)TV-show '"Dancing on ice".

Helena is excellent in this role as well.
(Amazing that grown-up people can learn skating so well!)

Earlier posts might of interest:
Elena Paparizou - "Baby, it's over"
MAD Music Awards 2011


irina said...

oh, I like her! and her songs

eva i Aten said...

Me too, Irina!