Monday, 13 June 2011

Anne-Ma - our angel!

Our beloved friend, Anne-Ma from Norway, died the 26th of May in cancer and it's so incredible sad - why, why, why we are asking ourselves. The most kind person in the whole world and she only became 63 years old.

Anne-Ma loved Greece and came here almost every year together with her husband, Ivar. This picture was taken here in Athens the spring of 2009.

                      Kära älskade vän
                      trodde inte det var din tid än
                      men tiden var tydligen inne...
                      Anne-Ma, du finns för alltid kvar i vårt minne!

                      (Don't know how to translate this small poem.)

This is a very nice song with Anna Vissi (lyrics and music: Nikos Karvélas) about a little girl, Eléni, who died after being sick for a long time.

Part of the lyrics:

Εκεί που πας κοίτα να είσαι ευτυχισμένη
σ'αυτήν τη γη η μοίρα σου ήταν γραμμένη
σ'άσπρο χαρτί με ένα κίτρινο στυλό
σα δάκρυ από λεμόνι

Be happy wherever you are going
on this earth your destiny was written
on white paper with a yellow pen
like a tear from lemon

We miss you so much, Anne-Ma, but we are so happy and grateful that we got to know you, and that you don't need to be in pane anymore.

Our thoughts are with Ivar and their son, Ketil.

The sweet angel is art by Katrin Skoglund, Sweden.

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