Wednesday 12 March 2014

Greklands bidrag till Eurovision - 2014 - The Greek song for the Eurovision Song Contest

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Den mest medryckande sången vann igår i Greklands "Melodifestival": "Rise Up" with Freaky Fortune & Riskykidd.
De sjunger på engelska, men låten är verkligen bra! Man vill bara dansa när man hör den!
(Gilla sången på facebook: Rise Up)

Jag tycker mycket om även "Petalouda stin Athina" med Crystallia - mycket vacker sång, och på grekiska dessutom, men jag är tveksam till om den haft någon chans i Eurovisionsschlagerfestivalen...?

The most catchy song won yesterday and will represent Greece in the Eurovision Song Contest: "Rise Up" with Freaky Fortune & Riskykidd. 

They are singing in English, but the song is really very good! You just wanna dance when you listen to it!
(Like the song on facebook: Rise Up)

Good luck for Greece in Copenhagen!!! ;)


Silving said...

Hm,I don't know,it doesn't sound much greek and this is what I like to hear,even if I can understand that the Greeks would like to try something new-like normal music :D- but I just want it to sound greek :)) Still Antique were the best (and they were also swedish,right? :D)

Unknown said...

Yes, I think many people agree with you...! Certainly there are many Greece-lovers out there...(maybe they will wote for Greece anyway ;)), but maybe there are even more young music lovers...? Well, noone knows what will happen!
Filakia polla!