Monday, 18 February 2013

Winner in the Greek final for the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 - Alcohol is free...!

Swedish: Winner in the Greek Melody festival 2013

The song that will represent Greece in the Eurovision Song Contest in Sweden became "Alcohol is free" performed by Koza Mostra & Agathonas Iakovidis:

We don't want to win anyway... :)

See the rest of the songs here: The 4 songs which took part in the Greek final for the Eurovision Song Contest


DIMI said...

Καλησπέρα Εύα!Κρίμα πού τό ψήφισαν νά εκπροσωπήση τήν χώρα μου.Δέν τό ήξερα,εδώ τό είδα,καταλαβαίνω καί τί μέλλον θά έχη!Σάν τήν Παπαρίζου,καμμιά!!Καλή επιτυχία στήν Σουηδία,θά κάνη τήν καλύτερη διοργάνωση σίγουρα!!Καλή εβδομάδα!!Φιλιά!

Eva Inathens-Greece said...

Well, I didn't like this song at all, at least not for the Eurovision Song Contest.
Thanks a lot, Dimi, have a nice weekend!♥