Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Greek tulip - Tulipa orphanidea and Tulipa goulimyi

Read this post in Swedish: Tulpanens dag och Grekisk tulpan

January 15th is "The day of the Tulip" in Sweden, to welcome the approaching spring. I was trying to find out if there's a day of the Tulip or a Tulip festival here in Greece (couldn't find anything like that), when I stumbled upon the "Greek tulip" - Tulipa orphanidea and another wild tulip in Greece; Tulipa goulimyi.

Nicholas Turland is an American botanist who often is visiting Greece, especially Crete. Turland has photographed  this graceful, red, wild growing Tulip goulimyi at Phalasarna (or Falasarna)on the northwest coast of Crete.

Below wonderful orange-yellow, wild Greek tulips at mountain Parnonas / Mount Parnon on Peloponnese, photographed by Nicholas Turland.


I wish to come across them in the reality as well one day! Wonder if they also grow somewhere on our mountain here in Athens, Mount Hymettus...?

More pictures by  Turland: Greece
Picture of a red wild Greek tulip by "janethellis" who saw large fields of tulips close to Epidavros, the ancient theatre, on Peloponnese (February, 2008): Wild Greek Tulip


The Expat Wife said...

They are beautiful!

Naomi said...

Hello from rainy and windy Corfu!

The tulips are beautiful flowers, I've not seen them here. I didn't know about tulip day so I have learnt something new about Swedish culture today haha.

I like your blog description 'beloved & crazy Greece' - that's so true!

Naste kala!! :-D

Eva Inathens-Greece said...

@Expat wife
Thanks dear, have a nice weekend!

Thanks for dropping by!
Καλό σαββατοκύριακο!