Friday 1 June 2012

Poor cat!

Read in Swedish: Stackars lilla kattkrake!

This poor cat was just laying in the street without any reactions on cars, dogs or whatever, so I decided to take it to the veterinary.

It started to rain cats (!) and dogs and we got soaking wet. (What weather is this?!) The cat got an injection with antibiotics which will last for fifteen days.

In the waiting room I saw that my Swedish friend Nina had put up this note!

So cute kittens, but still difficult to find homes.

This weakling really looks terrible! Many wounds - one on the cheek is like an open big hole!

Poor thing!

One eye doesn't look good either.

The veterinary said the biggest problem is its stuffy nose, and he was sure the wounds are from a cat fight.

The tail is just a stub, but this hasn't happened now.

Very, very dirty...

Also very, very thin, but at least it is eating.

You almost get scared when you see it, but this cat is incredible friendly!

I think there must be a family looking for this cat somewhere. It loves to be stroken and like to be on our knees. It's not scared of our dog(German sheppard) and was completely calm when 3 boys in the age 12-13 were out playing football...(the cat is in our back yard)! It wasn't afraid going by car either.

Maybe it even has a micro chip! This didn't cross my mind when we were at the vet, but I'll definately check it up.

I really hope it will be o.k and that we'll find the cats' family!

Why not Adopt a straydog or cat from Greece!
If you live in Greece and adopt a dog from one of the organizations on this list: Filozoikes organoseis kai katafygeia the company Pedigree will give you 6 months food for the dog for free!


Barty, aka The Parianos said...

Hello Eva, I loved your blog on the little grey cat, how is he now? I hope you find his owner or, if not, another new home. LOL Barty (

mirsini's creations said...

Oh...this cat is so troubled...but she is very lucky that she found nice good people like you to take care of her...or him...i don't instinct says it's a male cat !!! Well....i hope from the bottom of my heart this cat will feel better and better every day and the wounds will be soon healed !!!! This all the cats and dogs...deserves a place full of love to live !! If the cat won't stay with you..i wish you will find a nice place for the cat to live !!! You are very nice guys !!!
HUgs & kisseees !!!
Love & Light :o))

Eva in Athens, Greece said...

Dearest Barty, I have very bad news unfortunately as he got in really bad shape 8 days after I wrote this post. I think he must have had an internal bleeding because his gum as well as his paws were very pale. I took him to the veterinary who helped the little cat to his last rest. I've been crying so much, because I really got very fond of it - it was a wonderful cat! I buried it in our back yard. I wrote a post in Swedish, which I never translated - you can see the small grave here:

Thankyou dear for your nice comment. As you might already have read he didn't make it. It's very, very sad.

Eva in Athens, Greece said...

Thanks a lot, dear!