Saturday, 5 May 2012

Tour dates of "Sorry I'm Greek!" - Satire by Lazopoulos

Read in Swedish: "Sorry I'm Greek!"

Lakis Lazopoulos is a very successful screenwriter and actor. He has written lots of plays and played countless roles, also in foreign films.

Since 2004 Lazopoulos has his own TV-show; "Al Tsantiri News" -a satire bulletin, possibly Greece's most popular.

I've heard Lakis Lazopoulos was the top name in Forbes' list of the most powerful and influential people in Greece 2010. I wasn't able to find this list. I do not doubt it, but it would have been fun to put a link to this list.

Now Lakis will make tournaments with his show "Sorry, I'm Greek!"! The performance is in Greek, but will have subtitles in English, German or French depending on the host country.

European Tour dates:
Düsseldorf, Saturday 12th of May, 20.00, Mitsubishi Electric Halle, Tickets Lazopoulos
Nürnberg, Monday 14th of May, 20.00, Meistersingerhalle Nürnberg, Tickets Lazopoulos
München, Wednesday 16th of May, 20.00, Circus KroneTickets Lazopoulos
Frankfurt, Thursday 17th of May, 20.00, Jahrhunderthalle Frankfurt, Tickets Lazopoulos
Stuttgart, Saturday 19th of May, 20.00, Liederhalle Hegelsaal
Paris, Tuesday 22nd of May, 20.30, Bobino
Bryssel, Wednesday 23rd of May, 20.00, Cirque Royal
Zürich, Saturday 26th of May, 20.00, Kongresshaus
Stuttgart, Sunday 27th of May, 20.00, Liederhalle Beethovensaal
London, Tuesday 29th of May, 20.00, Theatre Royal Drury Lane
Uppsala, Thursday 1st of June, 20.00, Uppsala Konsert & Kongress

In the autumn Lazopoulos will go on tour in the USA, Canada and Australia.

Greece on Tour: Lakis Lazopoulos
Greece on Air: Lakis Lazopoulos - Comedy - European Tour 2012 


Minnie said...

Looks like great movie Eva. Is it comedy movie ?

Eva in Athens, Greece said...

It's a stand up satire show!