Monday, 28 May 2012

Facebook page for the blog!

Read in Swedish: Facebooksida till bloggen!
Read here exactly how to do: Create a facebook page for your blog!

I have made a page at facebook for my blog.
Added some photos in a few albums there and next to every photo/picture there is a link to the respective post.

Our photos are not protected at Facebook, but at least I wish to believe that noone can start making  money on my pictures...

I've changed my point of view concerning my photographs lately!

I will never be able to sell them anyway (how would that be done?!), so I don't care if someone would like to borrow pictures. Instead I think it's nice if someone would like to use my pictures, but I expect beeing given credit with a link to my blog.

Because of that I have stopped writing my blogs' name on the pictures. I still write on the pictures in my photoblog though, but only because I like how it looks!

Check out my new facebook page if you like! There's a link here in the right column.

Have a nice evening!

Step by step how to do: Create a facebook page for your blog!