Thursday, 5 April 2012

ΑΣΤΡΑΞΙΔΙ - ASTRAXIDI at theatre Rabbithole

Read this in Swedish: ΑΣΤΡΑΞΙΔΙ - ASTRAXIDI på teatern Rabbithole

On Sunday I went to the theatre together with my neighbour and a few other ladies. The play was called "Astraxidi" (a word made of the words "astra"(stars) and "taxidi"(journey) - "Star Journey") and was set up at the theatre "Rabbithole" in the centre of Athens.

Germanikou 20, close to the underground station "Metaxourgeiou" is the location of this simple and shabby "rock theatre" I would say. I really liked the place, with its old stone walls and cozy atmosphere!

What happens when a fisherman finds fallen stars in his net instead of fishes?! We followed the journey of the captured stars in a physical theatre play of three very good actors on stage; Marianna Varviani(Μαριάννα Βαρβιάνη), Christina Dendrinou(Χριστίνα Δενδρινού) and Theodosis Konstas(Θεοδόσης Κώνστας).

A play, based on an old Armenian fairy tale, with high pace, humour, unbeatable face- and body expressions as well as incredible expressive vocalisations, cries and sounds!

This theatre play, which got the "Scratch" award at the Bob Theatre Festival(the most important theater festival for young people) 2011, was created and directed by Team XA!

Choreography: Margarita Trikka (Μαργαρίτα Τρίκκα)
Music: Theodoris Maraidonis(Θεοδωρής Μαραϊδόνης) , William Antoniou
Scenery/costumes: Petroula Krigkou(Πετρούλα Κρίγκου)
Lights: Giorgos Agiannitis(Γιώργος Αγιαννίτης)

Well done and thankyou! I loved it!

Astraxidi at theatre (Αστραξίδι στο Θέατρο) "Rabbithole" on facebook
The pictures from inside the theatre found at

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