Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Insider information from Syntagma square

Last night I went with my friend, Nina, to the Syntagma square to check what's actually happening there and to feel the atmosphere!

At the big banner it's written "Τώρα δεν είμαστε αγανακτισμένοι, είμαστε αποφασισμένοι" = "we are not bitter anymore, we are determined".

This sculpture picturing human bodies pierced with sticks, has recently been put in the fountain.

It was a lot of people, but not at all as many as it have been lately. Maybe many stayed home to rest a little before these two days. It's completely calm at the square and people are discussing peacefully. The state together with the police are said to have their own employed troublemakers, who they send out when they find the situation appropriate, because they think it looks better for them in media if the people are violent!
Sometimes it has also happened that suddenly the police come and spray tear gas at the peaceful crowd on the square to create chaos!

Tomorrow votes will be given in the Parliament for or against the new austerity program which the Greek state together with IMF and EU wants through, so that Greece can receive more loans.
A huge part of the Greek people are living under the poverty line, but this is not mainly what is discussed at the square now. The people at Syntagma are trying to prevent the country from taking more loans.
Mathematically they have found that even if Greece takes another loan it will lead to bankruptcy of the country. There is no dilemma; loan or bankruptcy! With new loans the country will just get more depleted, is the opinion.
One might wonder then why the Greek state and EU wants this new loans for Greece. "Save what can be saved" of their own assets might be a suitable explanation...

Syntagma is now working like a small community. Different groups are taking care of different things; cleaning, art (banners, posters and more), food and drink-group who are taking care of what's given and handing it out to anyone who is hungry, medical group with doctors and there are lawyers helping people who are loosing their homes because they don't have a job, and more.

(Click down to the right to see the slide show)

There is a general strike today and tomorrow in Greece, but the underground will work so that people can take part in the demonstrations.

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