Monday, 27 June 2011

Greek Idol 2011 - final yesterday!

The final of  "Greek Idol" was yesterday, and  two really good singers were competing about the first prize: 21 year old Malou Kiriakopoulou from Kalamáta and 32 year old Panagiotis Tsakalakos, who was borned and grew up in the USA (New York, Los Angeles).

Here they are performing Antonis Remos' "Echo esenna plai mou" ("I've got you by my side") together:

Malou is here singing a completely new song, "Poli mou paei" ("It fits me completely"), written by Vassilis Gavriilidis:

Panagiotis performing "Fuckin' Perfect" (Pink):
I was hoping that the sweet and nice Malou was going to win, but Panagiotis won fairly. He is more comfortable on stage (but then of course he doesn't need to wear high-healed shoes...). Anyway it doesn't really matter who won - both of them will have a great music career! Congratulations and Celebrations!

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